In Service of Rural Mass, TNBRD | Thiruvannamalai District

+91 80982 80123 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (Mon - Sat)

Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) Programmes

     Under the Scheduled Castes Development Bureau, the Ministry implements Schedules Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) which is an umbrella strategy to ensure flow of targeted financial and physical benefits from all the general sectors of development for the benefit of Scheduled Castes. Under the strategy, States/UTs are required to formulate and implement Special Component Plan (SCP) for Scheduled Castes as part of their Annual Plans by earmarking resources. At present 27 States/UTs having sizeable SC population are implementing Schedules Caste Sub-Plan


Ensuring that the share of resources spent for the benefit of the SCs is at least in proportion to their share in population of the country.

Substantial reduction in poverty and unemployment, and creation of income generating opportunities among the SCs.

Creation of productive assets in favour of the SCs,

Human resource development of the SCs through specifically providing adequate educational and health services, and

Provision of physical and financial security against all types of exploitation and oppression.

To ensure mainstreaming most vulnerable community groups in major flagship programmes.

To enhance/create institutional capacity at national/state/district and local levels for ensuring a voice and social inclusion of the most vulnerable community groups.

Annual Action Plan (SCSP)

Annual Report (SCSP)

Extension Activities

Activities under SCSP

Training Programme under SCSP
Distribution 300 lemon seedlings farmers under SCSP
Distribution of Ragi seeds
Distribution of Aseel chicks under SCSP
Distribution of Horsegram Seeds under SCSP
Field visit to FLD Azeel Chick
Field Visit
FLD Azeel Chick Distribution
Training on Enterprise Development to SHG women (SCSP) on Mushroom Cultivation
Demo Unit - Agro Forestry Seed Germination Unit