Dr. Shaik N Meera, Principal Scientist
(Ag. Extension), ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad assumed the charge of Director,
ICAR-ATARI, Hyderabad in the afternoon of 10th February.
Dr. Shaik N. Meera has notable professional accomplishments in the field of
digital agriculture and extension systems, with substantial international
experience. With unique blend of domain expertise in ICT and extension,
he led large scale impact acceleration efforts in India and abroad.
During 2020-22, he worked as Senior Technical Expert (Digital Agriculture
and Extension Systems) at International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
He designed and deployed innovative digital extension strategies and programs across
the rural value chains in 18 countries in Near East, North Africa, Central Asia and Europe (NEN) region. He extended technical support to national and International organizations in modernizing their extension programs with Mobile and Cloud Computing.
During 2003-2020, he led 14 large-scale extension, ICT and development projects.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognized the Rice Knowledge Management
Portal developed by him as Consortium Leader, as one of the best use case of digital
applications in agriculture (B: C Ratio of 1.46:1).
As National Coordinator of Indian Frontline Demonstrations Program,
Dr. Meera coordinated 10,640 FLDs with 106 AICRIP centres and 54 KVKs and had
introduced 375 new rice varieties/ hybrids, benefitting 26,600 rice farmers directly.

ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu