ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu

In Service of Rural Mass, TNBRD | Thiruvannamalai District
The success of technology can be measured by the extent in which it has got spread among the farmers. Though the technology transfer can be achieved by many ways, for an effective spread of technology, the linkages between our KVK and other allied institutions and departments should be considered and utilized in an optimum extent possible. In this way our KVK has got an excellent linkages with the other departments in every possible ways so that the farming community can get maximum output from our activities. The following are the few examples for our linkages with other departments.
Name of the organization | Nature of linkage |
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University | Technical guidance for FLDs and OFTs and other researchable issues |
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru | Technical guidance for FLDs and OFTs collaboration in conducting demonstrations of IIHR technologies |
Veterinary University Training and Research Centre (VUTRC), Krishnagiri | Technical guidance for FLDs and OFTs and sponsored mass contact programmes, Animal Health camps |
NABARD, Krishnagiri | Collaboration in conducting skill development initiative programme, Farmers Technology transfer fund programmes (FTTF), MEDP |
Department of Agriculture, Krishnagiri | Trainings for farmers, Trainings for extension functionaries |
Soil Testing Laboratory & Mobile Soil Testing Lab | Conducting soil sampling campaign |
Department of Agricultural Engineering | Farm implements of Agricultural Engineering Department are being utilized for our demonstrations and trainings. |
Department of Animal Husbandry | Training and Demonstration |
Social Forest & Extension, Krishnagiri District | Collaborative training on importance of tree planting, vermi composting, sponsored training programmes to the Farmers Discussion Group |
Department of women and child welfare | Collaborative trainings on nutrition and value addition |
NGOs | Collaborative linkage to conduct vocational trainings on Income Generation activities to their SHGs |
Department of Sericulture | Field demonstration |
Department of Horticulture | Training programmes, Demonstrations |
National bureau of agriculture insect’s resources (NBAIR) | TRIALS AND DEMO: Field trials and demonstration were conducted for the management of Tutaabsoluta in tomato and Shoot and fruit borer in brinjal |
INSETI, Krishnagiri | Resource persons for training |
TNRTP, Krishnagiri | Resource persons for training programme and conducting extension functionaries programme |
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