In Service of Rural Mass, TNBRD | Thiruvannamalai District

+91 80982 80123 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (Mon - Sat)

About Frontline Demonstrations

Front-Line Demonstration is the new concept of field demonstration. The field demonstrations are conducted under the close supervision of scientists. The main objective of Front-Line Demonstrations is to demonstrate newly released crop production and protection technologies and its management practices in the farmers field under different agro-climatic regions and farming situations. While demonstrating the technologies in the farmers field, the scientist are required to study the factors contributing higher crop production, field constrains of production and thereby generate production data and feedback information. Front-Line Demonstrations are conducted in a block of two or four hectares land in order to have better impact of the demonstrated technologies on the farmers and field level extension functionaries.

Front line demonstrations are conducted in a block of two to four hectares land in order to have better impact of the demonstrated technologies on the farmers and field level extension functionaries. He front-line demonstrations are different than the normal demonstrations conducted by the extension functionaries.

The special features of FLD are:

FLD are conducted under the close supervision of the scientists.

Only newly released technologies or those likely to be released in near future are selected.

FLDs are organized in a block of two to four hectares involving all those farmers whose plots fall in the identified demonstration block.

Only critical inputs and training are provided from the scheme budget, remaining inputs are supplied by the farmers themselves.

Training of the farmers associated with the frontline demonstration is a pre-requisite for conducting such demonstrations.

The target audience of FLDs is both farmers and the extension officers. The purpose is to be convince extension functionaries and farmers together about the potentialities of technologies for further wide scale diffusion.

FLDs are used as a source of generating data on factors contributing higher crop yields and constraints of production under various farming situations.

KVK submits the Action Plan for technical intervention to ICAR – ATARI. Based on the approval KVK conducts FLDs in Field Crops, Horticulture Crops, Farm Implements, Enterprises and Livestock in the district.



Sl.No Crop/ Enterprise Technology to be demonstrated
1 Paddy Demonstration on super fine Paddy variety VGD 1 under Organic Farming
2 Cowpea Demonstration on high yielding Cowpea variety (VBN 3)
3 Redgram Demonstration on high yielding Redgram variety (LRG 52 - Amaravathi)
4 Paddy Demonstration on medium slender paddy variety CO 55 under Organic Farming
5 Tuberose Demonstration of ICM in Tuberose variety Arka Prajwal
6 Ribbed Gourd Demonstration of Ribbed gourd hybrid Arka Vikram
7 Marigold Demonstration on Marigold Hybrid Arka Abhi for yield and income potential
8 Mango Demonstration on Integrated Crop Management in Mango
9 Banana Demonstration on Micronutrient Management in Banana
10 Paddy Demonstration on TNAU Rice Reap in Paddy
11 Horsegram Demonstration on TNAU Horsegram Wonder
12 Farm Mechanization Demonstration of Agricultural Drone
13 Farm Mechanization Demonstration on Groundnut seed drill (ANGRAU model)
14 Farm Mechanization Demonstration on ICAR- CIAE Tractor Operated Cassava harvester cum lifter
15 Farm Mechanization Demonstration of IIHR - Improved Mango Harvester
16 Farm Mechanization Demonstration on Multi Tree Climber (Palm)
17 Wild Boar Demonstration of herbal repellent for the management of Wild Boar
18 Redgram Demonstration on IPDM technologies in Redgram
19 Tomato Demonstration on IPM in Tomato
20 Poultry Demonstration of TANUVAS STAR Chicken for backyard poultry rearing
21 Dairy cattle Demonstration of Nano Methicone ectoparasiticide Spray for cattle
22 Dairy Cattle Demonstration of TANUVAS GRAND Supplement to increase the milk yield in crossbred dairy cattle
23 Dairy Cattle Demonstration of TANUVAS Small Ruminant Mineral Mixture for increasing production performance
24 Value Addition Export oriented moringa products for Entrepreneurship Development
25 Value Addition Niche and Nutraceutical fruit products for rural youth entrepreneurial development


Sl.No Crop/ Enterprise Technology to be demonstrated
1 Little Millet Demonstration on high yielding Little millet variety ATL 1
2 Paddy Demonstration on super fine Paddy variety VGD 1 under Organic Farming
3 Finger Millet Demonstration on Finger millet variety ATL 1
4 Cowpea Demonstration on High yielding Cowpea variety VBN 3
5 Cotton Demonstration on Cotton CO 17 variety with high density planting system
6 Cluster Beans Demonstration of Cluster bean Variety MDU-1
7 Coriander Demonstration on Coriander CO5
8 Mango Integrated Crop Management in Mango
9 Coconut Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut
10 Banana Micronutrient Management in Banana
11 Cotton Micronutrient Management in Cotton
12 Groundnut Farm Mechanization in Groundnut cultivation
13 Drone Demonstration of Agricultural Drone
14 Millet Demonstration of Millet Planter
15 Coconut Demonstration of management against Coconut Rugose Spiraling Whitefly
16 Jasmine Integrated Pest Management for Blossom midge and Bud worms in Jasmine
17 Groundnut Demonstration on management of wild boar menace using Herbal repellent
18 Turmeric Demonstration on Rhizomerot management practices in Turmeric
19 Chicken Demonstration of TANUVAS STAR Chicken for small farmers in Krishnagiri district
20 Desi-chicken Demonstration of ProBeads-EC on growth performance of Desi-chicken
21 Dairy Cows Demonstration of Tick Shield for control of tick infestation in dairy cows
22 Dairy Cows Demonstration of Ketoquant for diagnosis of subclinical ketosis in dairy cows
23 Nutrigarden Demonstration of organic nutri-garden
24 Value Addition Demonstration on value added products from traditional rice (Black Kavuni)

Last 3 Years FLDs

Year No. of FLDs Demos
2024-25 25 240
2023-24 24 205
2022-23 28 334


IPDM in Paddy
Demonstration on Direct paddy drum seeder
Nutri garden
TANUVAS Aseel under backyard condition
YTP 2 Tapioca
Demonstration on Horsegrame variety CRIDA 18R for higher productivity
Scientisit visit to farmers field - Demonstration on Paddy variety VGD 1 under Organic farming
Value added products in foxtail millet
Demonstration on Groundnut Seed Drill
Value added products in foxtail millet
Diagnostic field visit - Demonstration on IPDM in Paddy
ProBeads-EC on growth performance of Desi-chicken