In Service of Rural Mass, TNBRD | Thiruvannamalai District

+91 80982 80123 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (Mon - Sat)

Front Line Demonstration Feedback


Sl.No Crop Technology Demonstrated Feedback
1 Lemon Demonstration on Balaji Lime The establishment of Balaji Lime was 96%.
2 Banana Demonstration on Micronutrient Management in Banana Foliar nutrition of Banana Special gave a good quality fruits with increased bunch weight.
3 Little Millet Demonstration on Little millet variety ATL 1 Little Millet Variety – ATL 1 recorded higher yield than the old traditional variety. The grains were superior in quality and have good market value.
4 Castor Demonstration on Castor YRCH 2 Newly released Castor Hybrid Variety – YRCH 2 recorded higher bean yield, more number of effective spikes, more number capsule per spikes, very less incidence to leaf hoppers and resistance to wilt diseases. The castor bean quality were superior in quality and have good market value.
5 Finger Millet Demonstration on Finger millet variety ATL 1 A high yield Finger Millet Variety – ATL 1 recorded higher yield than the old traditional variety. The grains were superior in performance and it has some desirable attributes like easy threshability, synchronized maturity non-lodging and attractive colored grains with good nutrition and cooking qualities.
6 Brinjal Demonstration on Brinjal Variety VRM (Br) 2 Brinjal variety – VRM (Br) 2 gave higher yield than the private hybrid due to less pest and disease problem. The fruits were tender and preferred in market due to its attractive colour.
7 Chilli Demonstration of Chilli hybrid Arka Saanvi Chilli Hybrid Arka Saanvi gave higher yield than the private hybrid. The diseases incidence was less than in Arka Saanvi. The fruits were preferred in market due to its attractive colour and freshness.
8 French Beans Demonstration of Arka Sukomal variety of French Bean French Beans Arka Sukomal gave higher yield than the private hybrid due to less pest and disease problem. The fruits were tender and preferred in market.
9 Mango Integrated Crop Management in Mango Foliar nutrition in mango for the micronutrients gave a good quality fruits besides the increase in yield. Also the fruitfly management using traps is very effective in controlling the fruitflies.
10 Banana Micro nutrient management in Banana Foliar nutrition of Banana Special gave a good quality fruits with increased bunch weight.
11 Coconut Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut The button shedding got reduced due to the root feeding of coconut tonic. Also, the yield has got improved.
12 Jasmine Demonstration on Off season flowering techniques with ICM in Jasmine ICM with off season flowering techniques in Jasmine fetched better Price in market.
13 Tomato Demonstration on Vegetable planter (Manual Operated) The vegetable planter (manually) efficiently addresses labor shortages, lowers labor costs, facilitates easy operation by women, and ensures consistent plant spacing and depth, effectively reducing drudgery in planting processes.
14 Tomato Demonstration on IPM in Tomato Need bio control agents for sucking pests and also new molecule for borers.
15 Poultry Demonstration of ProBeads-EC supplement with preventive management practices in Desichicken Probeads EC supplementation for native chicken helps reduce mortality and also improved bodyweight. This is a new technology for use to improve performance of native chicken.
16 Poultry Popularization of TANUVAS Aseel under backyard condition TANUVAS Aseel had better body weight gain when compared to native breed and also adoptable for backyard condition. This improved breed can be reared as it was acceptable in market with increased income.
17 Fodder Demonstration of TANUVAS 10 cent Multicrop fodder production model to enhance milk production in crossbred dairy animals Mixed fodder cultivation had higher fodder yield. Leguminous fodder velimassal acts as protein source for cattle which enhances milk yield. In 10 cent we can cultivate different fodder varieties to feed balanced fodder for dairy cattle. We came to know about multicut fodder Sorghum CO31 and Velimassal.
18 Poultry Popularisation of Namakkal Gold Quail in Krishnagiri District Namakkal Gold Quail was adoptable and gives a marginal income in addition to other livestock farming. Feed cost and marketability is the major challenge.
19 Vegetables and Greens Demonstration on Nutri Garden Fetched income through sale of vegetable and greens and improved the livelihood enhancement.
20 Palmyra Demonstration of Palmyra Fruit value added products The palmyra pulp blended with other fruits enriched for jam preparation and squash was nutritious with good shelf life and enterprise development to women.
21 Mushroom Demonstration of Arka – OM - 1 Oyster Mushroom Good color with good shelf life and aroma for culinary purpose.
22 Coconut Demonstration On android based TNAU Coconut Expert System TNAU Mobile Application System support them to make the right decisions at right time for Coconut Cultivation.
23 Little Millet Demonstration on high yielding Little millet variety ATL 1 Little Millet Variety – ATL 1 gives higher yield than the farmers practice old traditional variety. The grains were superior in quality and have good market value.
24 Groundnut Demonstration on Groundnut seed drill (ANGRAU model) Yield increased by doing the necessary operations in appropriate time, was able to sow the seeds before the soil moisture evaporate, Machines were user and gender friendly, Saved time, cost and labour.
25 Paddy Demonstration of Agricultural Drone The utilization of drones in agriculture optimizes crop management, reduces labor requirements, enables precise monitoring of crops, and enhances overall farm efficiency.
26 Pearl Millet Demonstration of Millet Planter The millet sowing machine streamlines sowing processes, mitigates labor shortages, promotes efficient seed placement, and contributes to higher crop yields.
27 Traditional Rice Demonstration on value added products from traditional rice (Black Kavuni) Gained awareness on utilization of traditional rice (Black Rice). And higher returns through sale of value added food products with better taste and consumer preference.


Sl.No Crop Technology Demonstrated Feedback
1 Paddy Demonstration on Paddy variety VGD 1 under Organic Farming The paddy variety VGD 1 gave 22.40 % yield increase over farmers check (Amman-private variety). Farmers highly prefers VGD 1 due to super fine grain type, erect, high tillering, non lodging plant habit due to seemi-dwarf nature than private variety.
2 Farm Mechanization Demonstration on Groundnut seed drill (ANGRAU model) Reduces the requirement of skilled labour and can complete the farm activities like sowing, weeding and stripping within the stipulated period.
3 Farm Mechanization Demonstration on Rotary dibbler (Multi crop seed drill) Easy to use and this manual operated portable seeder machine can use to sow small and large size of seeds. Gender friendly and reduce the sowing cost.
4 Paddy Demonstration on Direct paddy drum seeder & Cono weeder Reduce the cost and requirement of labour for nursery preparation, pulling up seedlings and transplanting. Weeds growth is very faster than crop. It can be controlled by irrigation water management and applying of conoweeder in appropriate period.
5 Paddy Demonstration on IPDM in Paddy Integration of Biological and Chemical methods on pest and diseases management of Paddy gave increased yield over the local check and the blast incidence and BPH hopper incidences were low demonstration plots.
6 Groundnut Demonstration on management of wild boar menace using herbal repellent Spraying of Herbolive + 4 times effectively manage the wildboar throughout the crop period
7 ICT Demonstration On android based “News on AIR app” Android based “News on AIR app was useful to hear the latest agriculture and allied enterprises timely
8 Ragi Demonstration on Ragi variety CO 15 Ragi variety CO 15 gave 19.10 % yield increase over than farmers practice ML 365 and also moderately resistant against blast disease.
9 Horsegram Demonstration on Horse gram variety CRIDA 18R for higher productivity The Horsegram variety CRIDA 18 R gave 17.01 % yield increase over than farmers practice Paiyur 2 and it was tolerant to yellow vein mosaic and Powdery Mildew disease.
10 Tapioca Demonstration on YTP 2 Tapioca The tuber length is more compared to the check (Thailand). Because of this nature the infestation of mealybug is less and the wastage during harvest is reduced.
11 Onion Demonstration on CO 6 Onion The Bulb size and weight of CO6 is more which improved the consumer preference.
12 French Beans Demonstration on Arka Arjun French Beans Highest yield was obtained in Arka Arjun (134.27q/ha). The incidence of mosaic was low. The market preference was more for Arka Arjun because of the tender nature.
13 Mango Integrated Crop Management in Mango Foliar nutrition in mango for the micronutrients gave a good quality fruits besides the increase in yield. Also the fruitfly management using traps is very effective in controlling the fruitflies.
14 Cotton Demonstration on Micronutrient Management in Cotton Usage of cotton plus as foliar spraying reduced the flower dropping and square shedding.
15 Maize Demonstration on Micronutrient Management in Maize The quality of maize cobs got improved due to the maize maxim spraying.
16 Cotton Demonstration on Cotton plucker Farmers are interested to use this machine, Easy handling, Gender friendly and reduce the labour requirement and picking cost upto 80%. Farmers can collect contamination free cotton and suitable for all types of cotton.
17 Tomato Demonstration on Vegetable planter (Manual Operated) Farmers no need to bend down. Gender friendly and reduce the drudgery for women.
18 Maize Demonstration on IPM on Maize Fall Army Worm Timely application of Biological and chemical control methods leads to effective management of the Fall army worm.
19 Poultry/Desi chicken Popularization of TANUVAS Aseel under backyard condition TANUVAS Aseel had better body weight gain when compared to native breed and also adoptable for backyard condition. This improved breed can be reared as it was acceptable in market with increased income.
20 Fodder Crop Demonstration of 10 cent Multicrop fodder production model Mixed fodder cultivation had higher fodder yield and growth in grass type and also added leguminous fodder as protein source for cattle which enhances milk yield. In 10 cent we can able to cultivate different fodder varieties and provide fodder to cattle. We came to know about multicut fodder varieties in Sorghum and Velimassal
21 Poultry/Desi chicken Demonstration of ProBeads-EC on growth performance of Desi-chicken Probeads EC supplementation is a new technology for native chicken and improved the growth performance under backyard condition. Supplementation had improved bodyweight and also reduced the mortality in chicks.
22 Fodder Crop Demonstration of multicut fodder sorghum CO(FS) 31 Fodder Sorghum Co31 is a multicut variety but we used to cultivate single cut sorghum. The cost of cultivation was reduced in multicut sorghum cultivation and also had improved green fodder Yield for feeding our dairy cows
23 Vegetables and greens Demonstration on Nutri garden Low incidence of pests due to organic method of cultivation and good returns by sale of vegetables and greens.
24 Cattle Demonstration of TNAU Mobile Apps among Farmers Mobile User Group(FMG) TNAU Cattle expert system mobile-based application was useful, comfortable to make the right decisions at right time.
25 Banana Demonstration of Banana Expert System as android based mobile application TNAU Mobile Application System support them to make the right decisions at right time for Banana Cultivation